Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Making Sense of Life...

In what dictionary do we find the true meaning of Life? So many things can flare a powerful depiction of the meaning. Such as a baby being born, and how the first sounds of an infants cry flow into a hospital waiting room that’s filled with anticipation. To the first time you touch and hold the miracle in your arms. To the eyes of a paranoid mother watching as her child takes their first steps and begin their path. To the day they get their driver’s license and start on a road of faith and hope. To the year they graduate, and are introduced to a new chapter of Life. To the second they view new Life being born, and they feel their own anticipation succumb to the faint cry. Even to such times as death a depiction of what Life’s meaning comes out, and shows us that we do not have forever to do the things that we should have done yesterday.

The sounds of crying or yelling can paint pictures of sadness, happiness, or fear. The sounds of cars racing to a finish line can promote shouts of cheering or dismay. The glorious sounds of a grand piano rise to the rafters of a church and touch hearts and souls. Sounds can arouse the depictions of Life with every tone, pitch, or chime.

A simple touch can create a visual masterpiece of the detail of our lives. From the feel of a breeze through your hair, to the touch of handshake, to the warm caress of a hug, or to the passionate time of a romantic kiss, to touch or feel creates a physical depiction of what Life is all about.

Eyes are one of the most powerful tools in Life. They display every emotion, from the piercing eyes of anger, to a glazed over stare of depression, to a tearful river of sadness, or to the caressing twinkle in the eyes that a loved one can shine. From the moment the eyes open at birth and begin a Life of spontaneous emotion until the last day when they close, filled with a memorable and fascinating history of what one single Life has accomplished.

No matter what book you look in to find the meaning of Life. Always remember that every second is a depiction of what the true meaning really is. The simple things of sights, sounds, touch, and emotions can create such depictions that will help us to understand the true meaning of Life.